
Impactful Festivals in Practice

Festivals actively contribute to the cultural life of a region. Whether small or big, local or international, festivals create a temporary space for coexistence/common experience, exchange and the cultivation of new ideas and perspectives. The four days PracticionersLab, is exploring new tools and practices that enhance the impact of festivals in the local context. Taking as a canvas the lively festival scene of Athens and its peripheral regions during July, ‘Impactful Festivals in Practice’ aims to reconsider the four pillars of sustainability (cultural - social - economical - environmental) and co-create sustainable festival practices through cultural management strategies.

The goals of the lab are:

  • Co-create a sustainable framework for festivals
  • Learn strategies and approaches that are applicable for festival formats and integrate factors of social-economic-cultural-environmental sustainability
  • Generate a guide of sustainable practices
  • Combine study visits/ theory, case-study workshops and prototyping sessions
  • Create meaningful connections between the Lab participants
  • Introduce participants to the festival scene of Athens and its peripheral regions

The PracticionersLab "Impactful Festival in Practice" is designed and implemented by Cultópia with the support of International Alumni Center (IAC Berlin) and it is addressed to members of the Bosch Alumni Network. The workshop was assisted by: Maria Hatzopoulou COMMON, Frosso Trusa, Art Director of the Arc For Dance Festival - Stavroula Syrakou, in charge of Lipasmata Festival at Sea, Kelly Diapoulis, former Artistic Director of Eleusis 2021

Quick facts


Creative production in performing arts